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Jacket Potato Ideas.

A bowl of cottage cheese. Image via Wikipedia Homemade Cottage Cheese

Jacket Potato Ideas.

Tired of the regular Jacket Potato?
Looking for some exciting new toppings, to turn that ordinary Jacket Potato into an amazing Meal Sensation?

Lets take a look at some Jacket Potato Ideas.

1.How about Mixing Cottage Cheese, with Grated Carrot and Red or Green Pepper? The sweetness of the Carrot and Peppers, make an amazing mixture.

2. Tuna, Red Onion and Red Pepper. Slice all the ingredients finely, mix with a small amount of Low Fat Mayonnaise. This is a classic, but with the Red Onion, adding a little bit of kick.

3. Sour Cream and Onion. After doing a little research online. I found that people love this simple mix of Potato, Sour Cream and Onions. You can also add a small amount of Crispy Bacon, to give it a little something else.

I hope you found these quick Jacket Potato Ideas new, and something you haven't tried before.